Ada yang aneh ketika saya coba surfing ke beberapa blog teman yang setahu saya memakai mesin wordpress gratisan yaitu nongol iklan adsense seperti yang banyak terdapat pada milik Google. Saya coba mencari informasi hingga menemukan alamat WordAds (

Isinya begini :

Make money by joining WordAds
Some of you may have seen the announcement that has partnered with Federated Media (FM) to provide advertising representation to bloggers. We would like to extend an invitation to you to raise your hand if you are interested in this program by entering this brief form.

WordAds is 100% optional and is designed for bloggers who would like to earn money from their blogs by showing high quality ads from brand advertisers. FM is well known for representing top blogs with high quality ads for sites like AppleInsider, Bakerella, and BoingBoing.

Working with, FM can now extend its representation to more sites.

Only publicly visible blogs with custom domains will be considered for this program. If you are interested but don’t have a custom domain, you can quickly sign up for a custom domain for your blog(s) below.

Selection will be based on level of traffic and engagement, type of content, and language used on a blog. Some blogs may not be accepted. Entering the form below does not commit you to the advertising program. It just signals your interest in learning more.

Tetapi kok di halaman saya harus dibuat custom domain ya? Padahal blog teman belum pakai custom domain tuh … TANYA: KENAPA? Silahkan berbagi bagi anda yang ngerti soal beginian …
